Sapientiana is a semiannual refereed journal of Sapientia College of Theology, founded in 2008 under the auspices of religious orders. In accordance with the specific role and mission of the college, it welcomes contributions in various fields of theology and philosophy, church history, cultural history, the history of literature, as well as ancillary disciplines involved in teacher training (such as pedagogy, psychology, sociology) addressing wider issues from a theological perspective. The journal is specifically committed to the advancement of constructive and critical scholarship in the spiritual, contemporary and historical theology of Religious Life. Besides Hungarian articles, it also invites contributions by international authors in the English, German, French or Italian languages. While it carries articles by leading experts in their respective fields, it is also a forum for new authors who want to try out their ideas in print for the first time. Sapientiana also furnishes competent and critical book reviews and review essays of current Hungarian and international scholarship. All articles published in the journal go through a double blind peer-review process. Starting from the issue of 2021/1 all articles have DOI number identification.
Published by Sapientia College of Theology, Budapest, Hungary
Editor: Beáta Tóth
Responsible Editor: Jákó Fehérváry OSB
Editorial Board: Hedvig Deák OP, László Lukács SP, Miklós Papp, Györgyi Szatmári, Zsolt Szeiler, Endre Tőzsér SP, Jakab Várnai OFM
Editorial Office: 1052 Budapest, Piarista köz 1, Hungary
Postal Address: 1364 Budapest, Pf. 235.
Phone: +36 1 4864426 Email: editor.sapientiana [at] sapientia.hu
Copy Editing and Typesetting: Márta Vida
Print Issue: ISSN 2060-3231
Online Issue: ISSN 2732-0103
Published semiannually: December, June
Submission Guidelines:
1 Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format to: editor.sapientiana [at] sapientia.hu (editor[dot]sapientiana[at]sapientia[dot]hu)
2 All articles published in the journal are refereed and they go through a double-blind peer review process which may take four to eight weeks.
3 Only articles that have not previously appeared or been submitted concurrently elsewhere will be considered for publication. Please note that Sapientiana does not accept submissions of papers that have been posted on pre-print servers.
4 Articles should normally be between 5000-10.000 words (including footnotes).
5 All submissions should also contain a short (100 to 150 word) abstract of the article, and 5 keywords describing the contents of the article, for web searching purposes.
6 Submissions should be single spaced, use footnotes instead of endnotes.
Subscription at this address:
Library of Sapientia College of Theology
1364 Budapest, Pf. 235, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 4864426
Email: biblio [at] sapientia.hu
Annual subscription fee: 1.300 HUF
Single Issue: 800 HUF
Past issues are accessible here after an embargo of 12 months.